Itemnumber: FOE255-045-050-009
Standard sales price EUR 37.05
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  • FOE255-045-050-009 is a guide ring and can be used in piston applications. The material used on this guide ring is made of POLYESTER/PTFE.

    The dimensions has an inner diameter of 45 mm, an outer diameter of 50 mm and a height of 9.7 mm.

    About the sealing profile FOE255

    FOE255 Polyster Resin Guide Ring Wears that are produced from polyester resin and fabric material are especially used for heavy duty applications of hydraulic cylinders. A 45 degree cut facilitates the assembly. FOE255 Polyster Resin Ring Wear have a resistance capacity of up to 100 Newton/mm2 radial load.

    About the material POLYESTER/PTFE

    Polyester is a synthetic resin in which the polymer units are linked by ester groups, used chiefly to make synthetic textile fibers. Teflon (PTFE) can be used as virgin, or used within fillers in order to improve mechanical performance. The fillers’ effects on PTFE are to improve extrusion resistance, reduce friction and form changes under extreme heat conditions. In addition, it increases resilience to attrition and hardening.

  • Designation Føringsbånd
    Inner diameter 45.00
    Outer diameter 50.00
    Temperature (CELSIUS) -30+120
    Speed (M/S) 1
    Height/Width 9.7

    Kastas K73, ALP A255

    Tarifnumber 0
    Designation Guide ring
    Area of use Piston